Podcast - Steed Cycles takes on the Haute Route Alps

Podcast - Steed Cycles takes on the Haute Route Alps

It’s not every year that you can rally a crew together to commit to a cycling trip, let alone get eight guys to sign up to ‘the highest and toughest’ amateur cycling event in the world. Yet somehow the stars aligned this year.

This would be my third Haute Route Alps and so I knew what to expect but for the others (except Mike who had also done two HR’s), this would be new territory.

Steed Cycles Race Team Haute Route

So much happens during a week event like this and it’s easy for one stage to blend into another. I figured an audio diary would be a good way for us to remember what went on, how we felt during the week as well as introduce the listeners to the different/hilarious characters on our team. I pitched the idea to the guys and for the most part, they were on board.

Starting out in Megeve on the eve of the race I recorded intros from the guys, so the listeners can hear everyone’s voices, personalities, cycling backgrounds and thoughts on the week ahead. After day one however, I was quickly reminded how busy the days are at Haute Route and how logistically challenging it would be to track the guys down for conversations post ride.

Steed Cycles Haute Route

To make the podcast work I had to switch things up and from day two onwards I started recording on the fly using the voice memo app on my phone. I tried to mix things up and bring the listeners along with us each day. From recordings over breakfast, at the race start corral, at the top of climbs during non-timed sections, on the massage table, at lunch and over beers I tried to capture it all.

To keep on top of all the recordings, I edited the podcast each day before bed. It wasn’t the ideal evening routine as I often found myself laughing away while listening back to the day’s events but in a strange way, I quite enjoyed it. I also found it gave me something to think about while pushing on the pedals during the long climbs.


I haven’t shared any clips with the guys in advance so I hope everyone approves (too late now anyway 😉 ). I’m aware it might be difficult for anyone who wasn’t there to follow along and make sense of the days, but I hope it works and that you enjoy listening.


Rich Costello